Top 10 Ruby Frameworks for Web Development in 2019

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Are you coding in Ruby or just learning the language? In any case, most likely, you’ll have to select a framework to build web applications with. Most people prefer Ruby on Rails but it is not the only noteworthy framework for web development out there. We are happy to inform you that there exist many other cool frameworks which can substitute Rails and offer special functions and benefits which the former cannot. Below we will present a complete list of the 10 best RoR alternatives for building web apps in 2019. Enjoy:)


Let’s be honest, Ruby makes coders happy. Any Ruby developer will tell you this. One of the reasons why it is so is because there is a significant number of frameworks and libraries in this programming language. But before we review our 10 best frameworks, let’s quickly remind ourselves why Ruby is perfect for web development.

Why Ruby Is a Perfect Choice for Web Development

There are a few reasons why web development with Ruby is a great idea:


  • Convention over configurations. This is one of the key principles of the language. Thanks to it, coding with Ruby is less redundant and cleaner.
  • Great community. It is large, friendly and mature. This helps any newcomers to get the needed advice, help, etc.
  • Expressiveness. Ruby is perhaps the most expressive coding language out there. This makes building web applications with it much easier.
  • OOC at its full. Ruby is a true object-oriented programming language which once again simplifies all coding.


However, It’s a mistake to think that Rails is the only choice when it comes to web development with Ruby. Take a look at 10 other suitable options you have:


  • Celluloid
  • Nancy
  • Crêpe
  • Scorched
  • Padrino
  • Cuba
  • NYNY
  • Hanami
  • Hobbit
  • Grape


These are all suitable frameworks for web development with Ruby. Let us review each of them in detail.


Being object-oriented, Celluloid praises itself on creating a “painless” programming experience in Ruby. Originally developed by Tony Arcieri, it operates under MIT’s open-source license. However, it doesn’t enjoy maintenance anymore.


Named after Frank Sinatra’s daughter Nancy, this “microframework” attempts to make web development with Ruby less complicated. In other words, to make it easier.


Being Rack-based, Crêpe is a minimalistic API framework. It’s all about building Ruby web apps quickly and easily.


It’s no coincidence that almost all Ruby frameworks talk about being minimalistic and lightweight. Scorched is no exception. It calls itself a “simple and powerful” web framework suitable for projects of any scale.


Now, this one is special. Padrino calls itself an “elegant” web framework. It utilizes Sinatra library. This framework’s purpose is to make web development easy and fun. Oh, and it’s lightweight as well.


Similarly to other frameworks, Cuba is micro, lightweight and fast. It’s very simple and easy to code with.


Just like Scorched, NYNY is simple, small and lightweight (around 300 LOC) but powerful. Its base can be easily customized for your needs. It can also be used with other Rack-based apps.


Fast and secure, Hanami is a lightweight Ruby web framework It is designed for maximum productivity and stress-free development.


This is one more minimalistic web framework. Hobbit is Rack-based and easy.


The last one on our list, Grape, is an “opinionated” API framework for REST-like web development in Ruby.

Final Words

Whatever framework you choose, web development with Ruby can and should be easy and fun regardless of whether you are working at a software development company or just studying computer science at a university. Today we’ve given you a sufficient number of frameworks to choose from. Have fun:)

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